Bring Your Own Lunchbox for Takeout


This spring, Light My Fire will conduct a pilot study of a system for reusable lunch boxes for takeout food at workplaces. The purpose is to contribute to a reduced use of disposable items and packaging.

12 companies in Malmö and Gothenburg are participating in the study. Light My Fire will gather valuable information about everything from form and function of their lunch boxes to how the companies' employees experience picking up lunch in their own box at the lunch restaurant.

- The workplace is a great platform for initiating this type of behavioral change. The resistance will be less if you go and pick up food in a reusable box together with your colleagues. For the companies, it is an excellent way to show how they actively contribute to reducing the company's climate impact, says Calill Odqvist Jagusch, CEO and owner, Light My Fire.

The study, named Think Outside of the Box, runs April - June. The lunch boxes from Light My Fire are made of biobased plastic and hold 1100 ml. The companies participating in the study have all received the desired number of lunch boxes placed in racks at the workplace. Each box is marked "Lånelåda" (“borrow box”) and is taken to the restaurant where the food is picked up. The boxes can be machine washed, and after use and washing, they are placed back in the rack, ready for the next lunch.

The project has attracted the attention of several restaurants, and a couple of them are now participating in a parallel study where they themselves handle Light My Fire's reusable boxes as a step towards a reduced use of disposable packaging.

- We must work on several fronts. No one can do this alone. Humility, flexibility, and compromise will be required. Light My Fire, with our own factory in Västervik and our combined knowledge of safe and sustainable materials for food, can contribute a lot. Now we are building sustainable networks and allying ourselves with fire souls, who, like us, are passionate about the change we must make, says Calill Odqvist Jagusch.



From single to multiple use  


2021     The EU directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products, is being introduced

2022     The EU directive is introduced in Sweden via a number of new regulations

2023     The first part of a new littering fee is introduced for  introduced for, among others, producers of lunch boxes

2024     Single use cups containing more than 15% plastic will be completely banned.

Restaurants offering takeout has to be able to offer multiple use containers that are part of a recycling system, granting that they will be used again and again.

The second part of the new littering fee is introduced: producers of certain single use products made from plastic, like food containers and cups, pays a new product fee.


Companies participating in Light My Fire’s study:


In Gothenburg:

GOT Event

Where Is My Pony?



Drivhuset /YesBox


In Malmö:

Altitude Meetings






Elon Road


Project Manager Think Outside of the Box:

Camilla Kehlmeier




Press Contact Light My Fire:

Stina Lodén



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