Grilled Carrots with Browned Butter, Goat Cheese Yogurt, Lemon Zest, Fresh Herbs and Cornflowers

Step 1:
Light the fire and let the charcoal take on a strong, even glow
Step 2:
Prepare a package to cook the carrots in by putting a slightly smaller sheet of baking parchment on top of a slightly larger sheet of aluminum foil. Keep close at hand.
Step 3:
Combine the yogurt, goat cheese and garlic. Blend together with a blender or whisk.
Step 4:
Place the carrots in a bowl. Cover with oil and a pinch of salt and massage until everything is covered.
Step 5:
Grill the carrots so that they take on some color and get a bit blackened. Place them on the baking parchment/foil, cover with the butter and season with salt. Fold the package together to create a sealed parcel and place it back on the coals – preferably in a position that is less hot.
Step 6:
Open the package after about 30 minutes and check that the carrots are starting to soften. Take the temperature of the thickest part – when it is around 80°C/180°F, the carrots are ready.
Step 7:
Place a large dollop of the goat cheese yogurt on each plate, place the carrots on top, scoop some of the butter from the package and drizzle over the carrots. Top off with parsley, lemon zest, sea salt flakes and cornflowers.