Funnel Chantarelle Tapenade

Funnel Chantarelle Tapenade


800 gr fresh funnel chantarelles or 80 gr dried (or another mushroom of your choice)
8 anchovy fillets
4 tbsp capers
4 tbsp Dijon mustard
4 tsp brandy
2 cloves of garlic
4 dl rapeseed oil
2 dl grated pecorino cheese (or parmesan)
6 finely chopped shallots or 1 dl dried, chopped shallots


Soak the dried mushrooms in lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes. Put the mushrooms in a dry, hot skillet. Fry until the mushrooms are dry, then add butter. After a while, add shallots and salt. Let mushrooms and shallots cool off. Put mushrooms and onions, anchovies, capers, mustard, brandy, garlic, cheese, and oil in a food processor. Using the knife blade, blend until creamy.

This is a perfect dish for a buffet. Serve it with a nice bread, crostini, or crisp bread. It is also delicious to pour over nice fillets of fish, e.g., halibut, and bake in a gratin dish.