Orange Pumpkin Soup with a twist

Toast thin slices of rye bread in a dry pan. Remove the bread and use the same pan to toast the pumpkin seeds. Add a dash of olive oil if you'd like.
Peel and finely chop shallot, garlic, chili pepper, ginger and carrot. Peel and dice the pumpkin. Sauté the chopped ingredients until they are tender but not brown. Add the pumpkin, bouillon cube and water and let everything boil while stirring until the pumpkin falls apart. If necessary, add more water. Peel a few slices of zest off the orange. Add orange juice and zest to the soup. Add the coconut milk and bring everything to a boil. Taste the soup and add sherry vinegar and salt until it's just your kind of yummy.
Top with toasted pumpkin seeds and serve sizzling hot with the crispy rye bread. Enjoy!